Today is my 41st birthday! My gift is in transit, so I can't share the details of it with you yet. However, it is stamping related and very drool-worthy. I've waited a LONG time for this item and I am so excited that it will finally be mine.
So, I'm going to the office this morning to see a few patients, then I am going to spend the afternoon with my 4 year-old daughter doing a little Spring shopping. She is my "mini-me".....loves to shop and I think she may have been bitten by the stamping bug. I let her use an old stamp set a few nights ago and when she saw my entire collection of stamps, her eyes just lit up. "Are these all for me?" ME: "Um, no. These are for mommy." (with an implied "hands-off"). We may have to shop for some inexpensive stamps for her today as well.
One of the best gifts that I have in my life is my friends. I have four girlfriends that I have been close with since junior high. We've been through many good times and bad.....boyfriends, husbands, divorces, children, death....all the ups and downs of life. Last year when I turned 40, I was so very thankful to have these words of wisdom from my friend, Michelle. It is titled "20 verses 40". She is such a talented writer and I hope you'll enjoy this no matter what your stage of life.
(And scroll down for the chance to get some blog candy!)
My friend Tricia had a birthday the other day, and posted a comment about struggling with 40. That got me to thinking...what's so bad about 40? If I compared 20 and 40, how would the chips fall? So I thought about it for a little while, and came to the conclusion that 40 is better...decidedly better than 20. Here's why.
1. I know who I am. At 20, I had no real identity. I had a pretty good idea of who I thought I would turn out to be, but I wasn't there yet and wasn't even really on track. I still followed others, lacked self confidence, second-guessed my decisions, and based a lot of how I felt about myself on whether a certain boy liked me or not.
2. I have values, and I'm not afraid to stand up for them. I think I knew what I believed at 20, but didn't have a strong enough character to stand up to some friends who disagreed. I also backed down from college professors who tried to force feed their agendas down any throat they could find. I wish I had spoken up. I would now.
3. I wear what I want to wear because it's comfortable, not because it's stylish. That's not to say that I pay no attention to fashion or that I don't try to look nice, but I will no longer sacrifice my feet and my back in order to wear cute heels or boots that HURT! I also won't try to cram my ass into jeans that make me unable to breathe just for the sake of trying to look a certain way. I've learned the value of a good bra, comfortable knickers, and an elastic waistband.
4. I know how to ask for what I want, and will demand it if it is important enough. I generally won't sit by and be neglected anymore. Previously, I would have sat quietly but dissatisfied, gotten walked on, or suffered silently. No more...I am just as valuable as the next person, and I won't let anyone step on me for the sake of not making waves.
5. I don't fight. I used to be a hothead, and it got me into a lot of trouble. Not that I ever hit anyone or got into fistfights (ok...maybe once or twice), but I did argue and yell a lot. Now, I'm in control of my actions. I wait and decide how I will behave in a situation rather than reacting to someone else's behavior. There is loads of freedom in being in control of your emotions. No one MAKES me anything...happy, sad, angry...I choose to feel that way. The older I get, the less I allow others to have the reigns in my emotional life.
6. I'm content. I don't have a big or fancy house. I drive an older vehicle, and I don't wear designer clothes. My husband doesn't look like Brad Pitt, and my kids sometimes piss me off. But what I do have is ample...abundant even. I am blessed to be where I am with this family. I don't need anything or anyone else to complete me.
7. I like me. I finally realize that I am smart, capable, and independent. I know that I have a sense of humor, compassion, and stick-to-it-ness. I recognize my shortcomings, and realize that I can't be perfect. I no longer base my self-worth on the relative size of my buttor my boobs. I try every day to see myself as God sees me. He made me this way for a reason, and who am I to question his judgement?
40 always sounded like a horrible mile marker on the road of life. We used to talk about it like it was OLD. Now that I'm here, I know the 40 I have come a long way. I've made huge mistakes, hurt some people and been badly hurt by others, and blundered through plenty of messes. But my experience has been rich. My scars tell a story, and that story is me. I like 40. Now bring on 80!
The card at the top of the post is the one that Stampin' Up! is sending to all of its demonstrators this year. We even get an additional discount on one item! Pretty cool, huh? You can see the inside of the card above, as well as the items I'll be giving away as blog candy!!! BLOG CANDY PRIZE: Something To Celebrate (Clear Mount Stamp Set), Birthday Bakery (Wood Mount Stamp Set), and Square Lattice Embossing Folder for the Big Shot
To enter, LEAVE A COMMENT at the end of this post with your words of wisdom for growing older. I'll select one name at random on Friday, March 25th at 7pm---so make sure you post by then. The winner will be announced on Saturday, March 26th.
Want even more chances to win?--For every $10 purchase that you make between now and Friday, March 25th, you will receive another entry for Blog Candy. Orders must be placed through my online store or you can email me.
Happy birthday! I will be 41 in 4 months. I love what you shared about 20 vs 40. I didn't really have a problem with 40. My problem was when my oldest turned 13. I'm sure I'll be having another nervous breakdown when my baby turns 13 in a few weeks. LOL
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see your birthday present!
Thanks for the opportunity to win some goodies!
Enjoy your day!
How wonderful to be 40 again. I feel every day is a blessing even at 55. Just seems like a couple of years ago I was 40. With each year you get more knowledge and that is very empowering. Happy birthday and can't wait to see your present. Hugs, Mary Davis
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, I hope that you have a wonderful day with your family. I remember 40!!I love your post and it is so true, and yes we did think 40 was so old when we were 20, now we know we still have a long way to go and in my mind I am 30.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Melissa! Today is my birthday, too....and I turned 55. 40 was great....but every year gets better! I also loved the 20 vs 40. It's true, we only get better with age. Beth
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!!! Words of Wisdom for any age is: Enjoy each day as it comes and love as we would like to be loved. GREAT blog candy! Hugs Kay
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday tooo yoouuu! Happy Birthday, dear Melisssaaaaa..... Happpy Birttthdaaayyyy tooo youuuuu!!! Trust me.. you'd rather read it than hear me sing it. HAHAHA!! I had my son when I was very young. I am going to be 43 this year, and looking back at everything, I am looking forward to all of the might be's. There might be a marriage in my future during my 40's, I might have grandchildren, just all of the things progressing in life are truly exciting and worth looking forward to, no matter what age. But I can handle them better in my 40's.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! I remember turning 40! I love your words of wisdom and all of them are so true! Maybe I should frame those words of wisdom to keep reminding me lol! Thanks for the chance to win an awesome giveaway! Hope you have a wonderful 40th birthday!
ReplyDeleteHappy Happy 41st Birthday. Hope you have a wonderful birthday that last all year. Love your words of wisdom. Thanks for a chance to win great blog candy !!!
ReplyDeleteMelissa first thank you for taking back to my 20's and my 40's as I approach 60 in a month I feel so fortunate where I am now--its true we want to be 20 when we are 10 and when we get to 20 we wish we were 30 etc--but as we get older we want to go back to being 10-20-30 etc. I do not move as fast as the other years but I thank God every day for letting me live one more day. We gather many fond memories some maybe we would rather not remember but for those that we want to keep in our hearts we cherish for the others we learned from them and just to not repeat. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on your birthday and may your special day be filled with good health--joy--laughter and lots of love. Happy Birthday to a woman who has inspired me from afar. Raquel
ReplyDeleteThe one benefit of aging is the ability to learn to say "no". That is the most challenging thing to do when you're young. Around the age of 60 you realize that by saying "no" means you have a voice. Happy're only as old as you feel.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday, Melissa! Getting older means you get to appreciate the grays in your hair rather than wonder why they are there.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes for the coming year and thanks for the chance to win!
Happy Birthday! Age is only a number! You are only as old as you feel. I truly believe this, as I'm almost 40 and I don't feel almost 40.
ReplyDeleteI hope your day was wonderful!
Happy birthday!!! I guess my words of wisdom would be to enjoy every moment of your 40's, 50's, 60's & so on! I am now 62 & my joys, besides my daughters, are my wonderful grandchildren. See what u have to look forward to!! Enjoy your day!!
ReplyDeleteDoesn't sound like you need any birthday wisdom! I just try & take one day at a time and enjoy family! ESPECIALLY MY WONDERFUL GRANDDAUGHTERS!
ReplyDeleteHappy 41! Hope you had a great day! When I was turning 40 I was freaking out, thought oh my gosh, I can't believe I'm going to be 40. Then it occurred to me I had better be thankful to be 40 because I'll be 41 and then I will wish I had enjoyed 40 more. There's nothing you can do about it, so just enjoy the ride! Happy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteIt's just a number! You're only as old as you feel! Thanks for the chance to win some great blog candy
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!!!! Can't wait to see your present for 40. Forty was much easier for me than 30 or 50. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteHappy 41st B-Day. What a glorious date and a great blessing that you share your talents with us. I have been there, done the 41...loved every moment of it. Hope you have many many more to come!
ReplyDeleteYou have another 20 yesrs to go before this applies, Melissa........but this is waht I wrote in my BIL's card this year.(He just turned 60).
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the over-the-hill gang. We're a pretty neat bunch of people who have discovered that getting 'more mature' is not for sissies! Go forth in courage!
That's my advice/wisdom and I'm sticking to it!
This really isn't advice, but you might like it! "You know you're getting old when your little black book only contains names ending in M.D." It's one of my favorites!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday ... and many more! Hope you had a wonderful day. Thanks for sharing the 20 vs 40. I have to agree - love it. = )
ReplyDeleteHAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! You're 20 vs 40 was AWESOME. It is wonderful the you shared how content and happy you are with your life. I'm in my thirty somethings and have to say there is so much I love about getting older and wiser. I hope you had a great day.
ReplyDeleteHappy Belated B-day!!!!! I had a bad virus on my computer and missed your blog:(
ReplyDeleteHope it was wonderful & shared with family and friends.
Happy B-day!! Hope you had a great day!! I'm going to share the 20 vs 40 with some friends if you don't mind!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday!! I also turned 41 this year, and I have to agree with you -- it's so much better than 20!! Best wishes for a fabulous year!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! Thanks for the chance to win blog candy...I've drooled over this set for a while, but can't seem to attain it. :)
ReplyDeleteMy words of wisdom have been passed down in my family for as long as anyone can remember: "Trust God and carry a concealed weapon; when seconds count, the police are only minutes away".
Pithy, eh?? :D
Elin K.
Happy Birthday! Funny I should read this today as last night I told my husband that I was so glad I wasn't 20 and although every year has been good, I wouldn't want to go back there. I am enjoying being 50 - I think it is even better than 40! Enjoy every day whether you are 20, 30, 40 or beyond!
ReplyDeleteFeliz Cumpleaños! Looking forward to seeing your birthday exciting..Have fun with your princess...
ReplyDeleteSome FUN Words of Wisdom...
"Age doesn't matter, unless your cheese."
"Smile while you still have teeth."
"You are only as old as you feel."
Enjoy your day!
Melissa -
ReplyDeleteHappy Belated Birthday to you! I loved the 20 vs. 40 item. It's all so true.
My take on birthdays is this: You only get so many, might as well enjoy them ALL, cuz when you stop having birthdays…well - that's it. Each birthday is a gift, and I have fortunately had 56!
Enjoy unwrapping your 41st gift this year :)
I'd love to unwrap your blog candy! (hint hint)
I loved your 20 vs 40! I am well past both of those but I still feel 40ish! Have a wonderful year this year and enjoy every minute. The number doesn't count at all it's how you live each day!
ReplyDeleteHappy Belated Birthday. My best birthday advice is that as long as you don't think you're "old", then you're not. Thank you for the opportunity for the blog candy.
ReplyDeleteI am 45, almost 46 and I must say I'm happier now than I've ever been. I am not as hard on myself as I was when I was younger. We have a problem as young girls/women with our self-esteem. Thankfully, that improves as we get older and wiser! My goal is to keep aging and to do it gracefully.....hopefully slowly as well!! I'm trying to live in the moment and not look back with regrets. Live and learn, and move forward. Be good to yourselves!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! Indulge your inner child- it keeps you young. Enjoy every day of 41!
Happy birthday!! Getting older can be hard however remember these things when you are feeling blue:
ReplyDelete40 is the new 20
You are only as old as you feel so try to feel 20!!
Best wishes!
Hope your birthday was wonderful and I can't wait to see your mystery gift! I turned 50 this year and most of my family made a big deal out of it, like it was significant in some monumental way. Age is a number and the higher the number, the luckier you are. You've managed to live that many years with all the people you love. Why is a bigger number worse? I am healthy, have a very loving significant other and a son who is a magnificent person. Bring on the next 50!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's a couple days late, but Happy Birthday! I will be 41 on the 6th of April. Live life to the fullest, make everyday count!!
ReplyDeleteWell first of all, Happy Natal Day girlie girl! I figure I'm 20 with 29 years of experience. I consider myself a chubby chick and a cranky broad at times, but figure I should be patient as God isn't finished with me just yet. And with 7 yr old twin sons and a hubby, I am so blessed, but there are MANY times that I think we put the fun in dysfunctional. Yup, getting older makes you think about things a bit different. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteStay well and enjoy your special day,
Happy Birthday! I know I would not want to be 20 again - I just turned 61 - and I think the best thing I ever heard about getting older was...
ReplyDelete"It is certainly better than the alternative"
I hope to get really old!
Well, sweetie, I know you THINK you're old... but I'm nearly 70 and you look like a young pup to me. And as far as advice, I don't really have any... but my current motto is:
ReplyDeleteWe get too soon old and too late smart.
Happy Birthday!!!
happy birthday! i also agree 40 is much better than 20! you're only as old as you feel!! all the best!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! My 45th is coming up and it truly only gets better! The "lines" on my face were earned with laughter and smiles. Life is really so I am sure you know as a doctor. I love the part about wearing comfortable clothes! Ha! Loved it!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your great inspiration!
ps. LOVE the desk! Punches are my favorite!